Siverek-Diyarbakır karayolunda yoğun sis ve buzlanma nedeniyle meydana gelen 4 araçlı zincirleme tra...
Bahçeli: MHP 10 Temmuz'da Seçimli Olağanüstü Büyük Kurultayı millet huzurunda yapılacaktır....
Let’s begin by Inquiring into your early years, your childhood, where you were born, where you...
NASA has confirmed that after a pause in communications with Voyager 1 in late October, the spacecra...
Donald Trump participates in a roundtable discussion with former Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-...
Bu dönemde doğru lastik seçimi, hem yol tutuşu hem de fren mesafesi için büyük bir önem taşıyor. Soğ...
Taking its title from the pro-wrestling term to describe a non-televised event, Dark Match follows ...
The insects participate in elaborate courtships, are devoted parents, occasionally eat each other an...
But over the years, the former congressman’s views have often aligned with those of his potential bo...
Here in the UK, the weekend window views are getting progressively more glacial. I'm a bit glad not...
YSK; AKP, MHP, CHP, İYİ Parti, DEM Parti, TİP, BBP ve Yeniden Refah Partisi’nin toplam 2 il ile 18 i...
30 years of gaming (Sony Interactive Entertainment) For the 30th anniversary of PlayStat...