Planet Earth is parting company with an asteroid that’s been tagging along as a "mini moon" for the ...
Health care in Alberta is moving confidently into the 1990s! The United Conservative Party (UCP)...
The walk-through art installation aims to get participants to hear color and see sound. The goal? Ca...
Başarılı çalışmalarıyla göz dolduran Bağcılar Belediye Başkanı Abdullah Özdemir ile TBMM Türkiye-Fil...
The marketing industry is turning to artificial intelligence (AI) as a way to save time and execu...
Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı ve Caz Derneğince 28'incisi düzenlenen "Uluslararası Ankara Caz Festivali...
I started work on it around a year ago on a whim because I was reading a lot of game design article...
With Assembly elections in Delhi due in February, political parties are using Artificial Intelligenc...
It Takes Two to make a hit (EA) The studio behind It Takes Two and A Way Out looks set t...
Key Takeaways Abu Dhabi might become the first city in the world to launch flying taxis in...
See how the next federal election is shaping up with Guardian Australia’s statistical model, which c...
My friend and fellow Android appreciator, allow me to shower you with two del...